Ticket Information
Here’s what you need to know to get to see our film
ENCHANTED MATTER: The Art of Robert Powell
World Premiere at SBIFF
Saturday, February 8th at 5pm
Monday, February 10th at 8:40am (morning)
SBIFF Film Center, 916 State Street, Santa Barbara
SBIFF Passes
Santa Barbara International Film Festival is a “pass based festival”. This means tickets for specific individual movies are not available. Instead, they sell “admission” tickets in “4-packs” and “10-packs” etc. along with various priced all-festival passes.
Entry Friend ‘n’ Family Tickets
We have a limited number of $20 priority entry filmmaker friends and family tickets we can purchase. Those tickets allow people to wait in the Platinum Pass line vs. the regular admission line. We will find out soon how many more we can buy.
If you would like to buy those from us (if we have enough) or connect with others to share tickets from a 4 or 10-Minipack please email us and specify how many tickets you need and we will organize a way for everyone to cooperate.
How does this work?
The way it works a 4-pack of “admissions” is a punch card that allows 1 patron to see 4 films; 4 patrons to see 1 film or any other combination. Unfortunately, these regular admission tickets do not guarantee you will get in.
So just in case passholders who are allowed priority entry 20-30 min. ahead of the screening fill up a lot of seats in the theater before general ticket holders are allowed to enter, it is highly recommended that those with “first come, first served” regular admission line up at least 30 minutes ahead of time to get a good place in line.
The festival FAQ site says you can come earlier and be given a numbered “Q card” starting one hour ahead to hold your place in line so you can leave and come back. Once Passholders have been admitted MiniPak Holders with Q’s will be seated in numerical order..
If someone ends up coming at the last minute, the festival sells $15 “rush tickets” if film is not full to those waiting in the rush line.
If the premiere on Feb. 8th is well attended SBIFF will likely add one possibly two additional screenings in the TBA slots on schedule later in the festival between 2/10 and 2/15.
Please keep in mind the second screening of Enchanted Matter is Monday morning 2/10 at 8:40am if that early time happens to work for people.
Can’t wait to see you at one of the screenings. We appreciate all your support!